Overtime Pay Rate Calculator Time and Half Double Triple

what is overtime for $23 an hour

This tool is designed to give you a clear understanding of how your overtime hours impact your total salary. This is your regular hourly rate of pay multiplied the by the overtime multiplier entered above. Overtime laws obligate employers to pay their workers a greater rate than the standard wage for regular hours. As mentioned above, the typical threshold in most countries (including the U.S.) is 40 work hours a week. Whatever the limit is (some laws contain other thresholds), the employer should compensate for each hour exceeding the normal threshold. Double overtime pay is like an extra reward for employees who put in additional hours or work on holidays (personal holidays or public holidays).

How to calculate overtime pay?

what is overtime for $23 an hour

You can do this with our salary to hourly calculator, or simply divide their weekly pay by the number of hours they work per week. If you would like the calculator to calculate how much you would earn annually in overtime wages if you worked a given number of overtime hours each pay period, select your pay period. If you would like the calculator to calculate your total overtime wages for a given number of overtime hours, enter the number of overtime hours. Things are a little more complicated for employees on a salary, rather than an hourly wage. This can becalculated by dividing a week’s salary by the number of hours you usually work.

Double Time

what is overtime for $23 an hour

Employees paid by the day are also only eligible for overtime if they are not exempt employees. If you would like the overtime calculator to calculate the gross overtime wages for a number of overtime hours worked, enter the number of hours on this line. Otherwise, if you are only interested in the overtime rate of pay, leave the field blank. Plus, this overtime and holiday pay rate calculator will calculate the total gross overtime wages for a given number of OT or holiday hours worked. So if you want to know how much OT or holiday pay you will receive, enter the number of hours and the calculator will instantly calculate it for you. Often abbreviated as OT, this is a term that describes the extra hours worked in surplus to the official limit of 40 hours per week.

  • While working with rude or lousy bosses, it’s important you clearly set boundaries.
  • It’s extremely comprehensive, with different calculators for workers who make tips, salaries and hourly wages.
  • If you would like to save the current entries to the secure online database, tap or click on the Data tab, select “New Data Record”, give the data record a name, then tap or click the Save button.
  • Employers with hourly wage earners need to know how to calculate overtime to ensure that they are paying employees the right amount and complying with the FLSA.
  • In addition to excluding particular workers from overtime rules, some overtime laws list specific industries where employers are exempt from overtime requirements.
  • Standard pay can be calculated by multiplying the normal pay rate by the number of hours that you normally work in a week.
  • Some employees who make a salary are entitled to overtime, although many employers don’t honor that right.

Overtime rules

  • You made $9.13 an hour, which is $420 divided by 46 hours.
  • In case you’re not familiar with the term, overtime (often referred to as “OT”) is a term typically used to describe the excess of hours worked beyond 40 hours per week.
  • If your hourly wage is below the minimum wage, your employer is not allowed to pay you Chinese overtime, and may already be breaking the law.
  • I gave up trying to support other web browsers because they seem to thumb their noses at widely accepted standards.
  • Thus, your overtime pay is equal to the normal hourly pay rate multiplied by the overtime multiplier paid by your employer, and then multiplied by the number of hours of overtime that you worked.

Read the FLSA fact sheet[3] to learn more about each of these exemptions and if they apply to you. If you are a salaried employee, make more than $684 per week, and are included in one of these exemptions, then you will most likely not be eligible for overtime pay. Anytime a worker who is eligible for overtime works more than 40 hours per week, they will earn overtime pay. To calculate your overtime rate of pay, you convert the overtime description into a decimal number and multiply your regular rate of pay by the decimal multiplier.

Many workplaces have unpaid lunch breaks that need to be deducted when calculating total work hours. To account for this, we can modify the basic hours worked formula. Our compassionate legal team helps you stand up for your rights with confidence. Your employer is not allowed to punish you for exerting your rights under the Fair Labor Standards Act. If you get fired, or demoted, or have your pay cut, you may become eligible to file a second lawsuit, for illegal retaliation, and could win even more compensation.

  • For Chinese overtime to be legal, you need to be paid a set amount of money each week, no matter how many hours you actually work.
  • It’s known that the human organism is naturally limited and cannot sustain the same level of productivity in the 8th or 10th hour of work as at the beginning of the shift.
  • That’s your straight hourly rate, not your overtime wage.
  • But this week, they will need to work an additional 10 hours.
  • Please select and “Clear” any data records you no longer need.
  • Keep in mind that this value may vary across countries and companies, so make sure to enter the correct multiplier into the overtime calculator.

How do I calculate time and a half plus my standard salary?

The rules fordouble-time pay can differ depending on the job, the company, and where you live. To calculate overtime hours in Excel, you’ll need to first calculate the total regular hours worked, and then use an IF statement to check if the employee exceeded the overtime threshold. You need to make at least the minimum wage for the week in question.

Other exempt jobs are hourly jobs, jobs in transportation and delivery, sales, investments, and computer-related jobs. It’s advisable to investigate the overtime laws of your specific state. At the federal level, overtime is primarily what is overtime for $23 an hour regulated on a weekly basis. Nevertheless, certain states and territories mandate overtime for any day inwhich an employee works more than 8 hours. Currently, these include Alaska, Nevada, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

  • The most common multipliers are time and a half, double-time, triple-time, and sometimes even quadruple-time.
  • The agency uses the Fair Labor Standards Act as the basis for the regulations.
  • This overtime calculator figures your total overtime paycheck and the OT rate, together with the regular pay by taking account of the number of hours worked.
  • This typically happens when you work more than the standard number of hours in a day or week, often beyond 40 hours in a week inmany places.
  • For example, if you have start and end times for employees in columns A and B, with headers in row 1, you would put the hours formula in C2 and drag it down through the rest of column C.

What is Overtime Pay Rate?

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